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Culture in Quito
Most of the museums in Quito are located in the historical district, otherwise known as old town or La Marín. The town museum, or "Museo de la Ciudad" opened in August 1998 and is the most modern and the most spectacular among Quito's museums. It is a massive place and has many different exhibitions dating from early pre-Colombian cultures to recent development. The museum also maintains a multimedia section. The museum is situated close to Plaza 24 de Mayo.

The San Francisco Church Museum was constructed after the Spanish Conquest and is said to have given the capital of Ecuador the name of San Francisco de Quito. The atrium running along one side of the plaza is opened in the middle to give way to a beautiful staircase. The facade has a style similar to the Escorial in Spain and in the inside the Baroque style. The coffer ceiling in the marthex has a rich Moorish style ornamentation with paintings by Miguel de Santiago. It is interesting to note among the ornamentations images of the sun god, the Inca divinity. The main altar holds the original masterpiece by Legards: "La Virgen de Quito". This sculpure is the only winged image of the Virgin Mary.

The newly restored Teatro Nacional Sucre in Old Town's Plaza del Teatro Manabí first opened its doors in 1867; it's Quito's most popular theater and offers a varied and exciting events program including contemporary theater, ballet, electronic-music performances, and opera. Free concerts and street shows put on by the theater frequently take place just outside, on the Plaza del Teatro. The National Symphony performs weekly in different venues around town, including some colonial churches.
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